Ildikó Lukácsné Gyollai
research fellow

- gyollai.ildiko at
- 321. szoba
Place and date of birth
- Budapest, 1985
- 2014 PhD Geosciences (Geochemistry) University of Vienna
- 2009 MSc Geology Eötvös Loránd University
- 2014- HAS Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Earth Sciences, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research
- Geobiomineralisation and Astrobiology Workgroup (Leader: Márta Polgári, DSc)
- Geochemical and Astrophysical Research Group (Leader: Ákos Kereszturi, PhD)
Language knowledge
- German professional intermediate level, B2
- English professional intermediate level, B2
Main fields of research
- Biomineralisation, Mn-Fe ore deposites, meteorite research (aquaeous alteration, thermal metamorphism, shock metamorphism)
Research projects
- 2017-2021 K-125060 (NKIH) - participant (leader: Márta Polgári, D.Sc)
Study trips
- 2017.12., 2018.07., 2019.06.: SSHADE FTIR (Grenoble, IPAG)
- Sept –Dec 2016: Eötvös Scholarship (MAEÖ2016_1) – Secondary alteration of Martian meteorites - National University of Technology Athens, Greece
- Feb 2015: E-COST-STSM TD1308 research grant - Raman spectroscopy and SEM/BSE-EDX analyses of Martian meteorites - National University of Technology Athens, Greece
- Nov 2013 Travel support/NIPR Symposium - Tokyo, Japan
- Nov 2013 Visitor researcher Okayama University of Science, Department of Biosphere-Geosphere Science Okayama-shi, Japan
- Oct 2013 "student support" Workshop on Planetesimal Formation and Differentiation 2013 - Carnegie Institution, Washington, USA
Membership of scientific and professional organizations
- Membership of scientific organizations:
- 2014- Member in HAS Subcomittee for Geonomy
- 2005- Hungarian Geological Society
- Proofreading:
- Science Progress (2021) (1)
- Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2020) (1)
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration (2019) (1)
- Modern Geográfia (2018) (1)
- Planetary and Space Science (2014, 2015) (2)
Conference organization
- participitation as assistant inoroganizing EANA16 and student assistant in EGU2011
Research grants, scholarships
- Sept –Dec 2016: Eötvös Scholarship (MAEÖ2016_1) – Secondary alteration of Martian meteorites - National University of Technology Athens, Greece
- Feb 2015: E-COST-STSM TD1308 research grant - Raman spectroscopy and SEM/BSE-EDX analyses of Martian meteorites - National University of Technology Athens, Greece
- Woman in Hungarian Space Science Award 2013- co-awarded
Prizes won at scientific competitions
- 2 nd place at Geology Heritage Competition for Students in Budapest, (Hungary), (2004)
- 4th place at the AAPG European Region Conference of students held in Prague (Czech Republic), (2008)
- 2nd place at National Conference of the Young Hungarian Environment Scientists, held in College of Nyíregyháza (Hungary), 2008
- help for students supervised by Márta Polgári and Ákos Kereszturi
International connections
- Active collaborations:
- J. C Biondi (Urrucum Fe-Mn deposit)
- Yu Wenchao (Neoproterozoic, Carboniferous, Permian Mn-ore deposit)
- Former collaborations:
- E. Chatzitheodoridis (Martian meteorites)
- Christian Köberl, Fritz Popp (University of Vienna) (Snowball Earth)
- H. Nishido, K. Ninagawa (Antarctic meteorites)
Selected publications of the last 5 years
- Polgári, M., & Gyollai, I. (2021). Geochemical constraints on the element enrichments of microbially mediated manganese and iron ores–An overview. Ore Geology Reviews, 104203.
- Gyollai, I., Polgari, M., Bérczi, S., Gucsik, A., & Pál-Molnár, E. (2019). Mineralized biosignatures in ALH-77005 Shergottite-Clues to Martian Life?. Open Astronomy, 28(1), 32-39. (IF: 0.35)
- Gyollai, I., Bérczi, S., & Polgári, M. (2019). Comparison of research methods and interpretation of ALH-84001 (McKay et al. 1996, Science and studies based on Science publication by Thomas-Keprta et al. 2000 GCA, Thomas-Keprta et al. 2001 PNAS) and ALH-77005 (Gyollai et al. 2019 Open Astronomy). Open Astronomy, 28, 95-97. (IF: 0.35)
- Gyollai, I., Kereszturi, Á., Kereszty, Z., Szabó, M., & Chatzitheodoridis, E. (2017). Shock-induced alterations in the recently found H chondrite Csátalja meteorite and its implications. Central European Geology, 60(2), 173-200.
- Gyollai, I., Polgari, M., Fintor, K., Pal-Molnar, E., Popp, F., & Koeberl, C. (2017). Microbial activity records in Marinoan Snowball Earth postglacial transition layers connecting diamictite with cap carbonate (Otavi Group, NW-Namibia). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 110(1).
Last update 28.11.2023.