István Gábor Hatvani
senior research fellow

- +36 1 309 2600 / 1353
- +36 1 319 3137
- hatvani.istvan at
- hatvaniig at
- room 313
Place and date of birth
- Budapest, 1987
- 2022 University habilitation in environmental sciences (1238/2022; 16.09.2021)
- 2010-2013 PhD Eötvös Loránd University, Environmental Sciences PhD School, Environmental Earth Sciences PhD Program. Thesis title: „Application of state-of-the-art geomathematical methods in water protection - on the example of the data series of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System –„
- 2005-2010 MSc Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Environmental Sciences Program. Thesis title: „Application of time series, uni- and multivariate statistical methodns ont he data series of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System”
Language knowledge
- English IELTS General Training: Overall Band Score 8 ("Very Good User") 2022
- Italian B2 level spoken and written (2010)
- English C2 level spoken and written (2002)
Main fields of research
- Environment and paleoclimate research
- water quality protection
- geomathematics
- stochastic modeling
Research projects
- Field work and water sampling activity related to the environmental inspection of the Séd-Nádor Canal for Wessling Hungary Environmental Analytical Laboratories Ltd. 12.06.2009 - 23.07.2009
- Work on the preparation of the following report: Methodological evaluation of Phase 1 of the surface works in relation to the Boda Aleurolite Formation (BAF) for the Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management Ltd., 2012
- TÁMOP 4.1.3-11/1-2011-0001 Systematic Development of Higher Education Services project, the aim of which was to audit the Environmental Sciences Program at the ELTE TTK, 03.03.2013 – 31.12.2013
- Work on the preparation of the 6th National Communication of Hungary to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2013.
- Participation as a member of the International Initiative Committee in the preparation of the DANUBIUS-RI Pan-European project which was granted a place in 2016 Roadmap of the European Commission’s ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)
- ELKH Data Repository Ambassador position May 2023 - November 2023, during which I deepened my knowledge of the data repository and gained practical experience in its usage, which I shared with university students and ELKH researchers.
Study trips
- Completion of the "Climate time Series Analysis" course given by Dr. Manfred Mudelsee (Climate Risk Analysis Ltd.) online 13.09.2021 - 23.09.2021.
- Completion of the "Trend analysis" short course given by Dr. Manfred Mudelsee (Climate Risk Analysis Ltd.) in the frames of the GeoMATES 2019 conference (15.05.2019, Pécs Hungary).
- Completion of the Training Course on the Application of Environmental Isotopes in Rivers and Lakes at the International Atomic Energy Agency 16 - 27 November 2015, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
- Completion of the Training Course on the Principles and Applications of Isotope Hydrology Methods at the International Atomic Energy Agency 10 - 21, October 2016, IAEA,Vienna, Austria
- Completion of the second CC-WaterS Training Course in Thessaloniki, Greece. Topic: The influence of climate change on drinking water supplies.11.04.2011 - 15.04.2011
Membership of scientific and professional organizations
- National Research and Development Office
- Geosciences 1 expert group member 2021-2024
- Elected member of the Hungarian Youth Academy 2020-2025
- Board memebet 2023/'24
- Hungarian Geological Society 2009-
- Secretary of the Election Committee 2018
- Geomathematical & Informatics Section of the Hungarian Geological Society
- secretary 2015- March 2023
- member of the steering committee 2023-2024
- Member of the Election Committee 2021
- Hungarian Hydrological Society 2011-2015
- IAMG Student Chapter Szeged 2011-2014
- IAMG (International Association for Mathematical Geosciences) 2014-
- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers 2014- (01-15205)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, public body member 2014-
- Substitute member of the Nominating Committee 2022-
- Non-academician General Assembly member 2022-
- Member and secretary of the Committee on Geology 2021-2026
- X. Section of Earth Sciences, Committee on Geology, Secretary of the Geomathematical Sub-committee 2018-2023
- VII. Section of Chemical Sciences, Committee on Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Working group for environmental chemistry, member 2016-
- Eötvös Loránd University
- Lecturing member of the Earth- and Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Schools of the ELTE, 2017-
- Environmental Science international M.Sc. state examine commission member (2019-2025)
- Member of the New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP) decision board (2022)
- Past Global Changes (PAGES) - Speleothem Isotope Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL) Working Group
- SISAL Phase II Steering Committee member 2020-2023
- Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Ethics Committee member (2023 - )
- Intellectual Property Committee member (2023 - )
- Membership of editorial boards
- Editor at Open Geosciences 2012- (IF 0. 726)
- International Journal on Geomathematics (GEM)
- Editor 2020-
- Guest editor 2019-2020
- Associate editor at Central European Geology 2015-
- Guest editor at Water (IF 2.55) 2020-2022
Conference organization
- Geomatematikai-, környezetinformatikai és energetikai modellek Magyarországon a 2020-as években, 2023, Budapest, HAS, head organizer
- GeoMATES 2022 & 22nd Congress of Hungarian Geomathematicians, 2022, Pécs; chair of the scientific committee
- Grant won to organize international conferences; NKFIH Mecenatúra (140695; ~15,500 €)
- WebGeoMATES, Congress for Young Scientists, international conference, head organizer (2021, online Zoom)
- 'Földtudományos Forgatag' Science education in earth sciences, one of the head organizers in the name of the Geomathematical and Informatics Section of the HGS (2021, online, Zoom & Youtube live)Section chair at the XXIII. Tavaszi Szél Conference; Earth Sciences Section (2020, Budapest, NKE, online)
- The geostatistical modelling of natural processes - ANTAL FÜST conference, 2020, Budapest, head-organizer
- GeoMATES 2019 & 21th Congress of Hungarian Geomathematicians; chair of the scientific committee
- Grant won to organize international conferences from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: (NKSZ 2019-12; ~ 1450 €)
- 19th annual conference IAMG 2018, Olomouc; member of the scientific committee
- Responsible for topics: Climatology, Meteorology, Cryology, Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences; Geological Evidences of Paleo-Climate Changes; Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling and Contaminant Transport
- Geomathematics, bauxitresearch and geochemical results nowadays and in the legacy of GYÖRGY BÁRDOSSY- conference, 2018, Budapest, head-organizer
- 16th National Conference of Environmental Sciences Students (OFKD) 2018
- 20th Congress of Hungarian Geomathematicians and 9th Congress of Croatian and Hungarian Geomathematicians; chair of the scientific committee
- Grant won for organizing international conferences from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: (NKSZ 2017-28; ~ 2900 €)
Research grants, scholarships
- 2023. Validation of catchment-scale contaminant transport models using stable isotopes and multi- element measurements. SNN OTKA 143865 (bilateral research project); National Research and Development Office (participant researcher; 2023-2025)
- 2022. Effect of cover crop on soil aggregation, erosion and carbon storage. K OTKA 143005; National Research and Development Office (participant researcher; 2022-2026)
- 2022. The role of soil organic matter stability in the adsorption and desorption of pharmaceutically active compounds – with a focus on environmental differences. K OTKA 143868; National Research and Development Office (participant researcher; 2022-2026)
- 2021. Spectral analysis of time series with age uncertainty and variable time resolution - Are the detected periods robust? For the Talented Youth of the Nation Scholarship; NTP-NTFÖ-20-B0049; Research Scholarship of the Ministry of Human Capacities (project owner; 2021-2022)
- 2020. A nyári időjárási szélsőségek előrejelzésének pontosítása: lépések az élelmiszertermelést érintő kockázatok mérséklése felé. Kooperatív Doktori Program Doktori Hallgatói Ösztöndíj (KDP-2020); KDI-1015618; Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal – Kooperatív Doktori Kollégium (társkutató, a pályázó témavezető Topál Dániel; 2020-2022)
- 2020. Töréspontok és periodikus jelek a grönlandi jégfuratok stabilizotópos idősoraiban. A Nemzet Fiatal Tehetségeiért Ösztöndíj; NTP-NTFÖ-20-B0043; Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (témavezető; 2020-2021)
- 2018. Statistical evaluation cellulose content and cellulose-stable isotope composition from the foliage of European forest species (database creation). New National Excellence Program Bolyai+ (Post Doc) Research Scholarship of the Ministry of Human Capacities. (project owner; 2018-2019)
- 2018. Funding to participate at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG 2018). International Conference Participation Youth Scholarship; 580/5/2018/NKF; Hungarian Academy of Sciences (project owner; 2018)
- 2017. Geostatistical analysis of regionalized precipitation stable isotope data. For the Talented Youth of the Nation Scholarship; NTP-NTFÖ-17-B0028; Ministry of Human Capacities (project owner; 2017-2018)
- 2017. Modeling of the long term microbial and fecal pollution of Lake Neusiedl. Bilateral Research Funding to explore the Long-term exposure of the microbial-fecal pollution of Lake Neusiedl; Austrian-Hungarian Action Fund (97öu-1; project owner; 2017-2018)
- 2016. Spatial distribution of water isotopes in precipitation in Europe – with special focus on the transect from the Adriatic Coast to the Pannonian Plain; SNN OTKA 118205; NKFIH (participant researcher; 2016-2019)
- 2016. Geostatistical analysis of hydrologic and paleoclimate time series. Bolyai János Research (Post Doc) Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (project owner; 2016-2019)
- 2016. Evaluation of the temperature and hydroclimate proxies of the Carpathian – Balkan Region for the past 1000 yrs. For the Talented Youth of the Nation Scholarship; NTP-EFÖ-P15-0550; Ministry of Human Capacities (project owner; 2016-2017)
- 2014. Exploration of interconnected regional sub-systems of the hydrological cycle using multivariate- and time series Geomathematical methods. Erdős Pál Joung Reseacher Scholarship; TÁMOP 4.2.4 A/1-11-1-2012-0001 (excellent final evaluation; project owner; 2016-2017)
- 2013. Analysis of the water quality time series of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System using uni-, multivariate and time series methods. Apáczai Csere János PhD Student Scholarship; TÁMOP 4.2.4 A/1-11-1-2012-0001 (excellent final evaluation; project owner; 2016-2017)
- 2012. Geostatistcal analysis of the sub-surface water system of the Seewinkel (AT). Ernst Mach Scholarship of the Austrian-Hungarian Action Fund Repeated successful application (2011); project owner; 2012-2013
- 2009. Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic for the school year 2009/2010; Ministry for Education and Culture
- 2022. Vitális Sándor Award (with co-authors); Hungarian Hydrological Society & General Directorate of Water Management
- 2020. Bolyai-emléklap; MTA
- 2019. Excellent Researcher; award of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2018. Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Prize, Section of Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2018. Excellent Researcher; award of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2018. Academic Youth Award; Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2017. Danubius Young Scientist Award; Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
- 2017. Excellent Researcher; award of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2016. Young Scientist Prize for Environmental Research; Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2015. Junior Príma Prize – Hungarian Science Category; Príma Primisszima Foundation & Hungarian Development Bank Plc. (MFB. Zrt.)
- 2011. “Habilitas” fellowship of the Hungarian Development Bank Plc. (MFB. Zrt.)
- 2010. Dr. Pauka Imre Prize awarded by Golder Associates Plc. in recognition of my scientific activities
- 2010. Excellent student of the Science Faculty (award from the Dean)
- 2008. Excellent student of the Science Faculty (award from the Dean)
Prizes won at scientific competitions
- 1st prize of the young scientist category. Determining Anthropogenic Effects Using Principal Component Analysis on a fluvial (E Hungary) and Two Lake Ecosystems (W Hungary, E Austria). CMA4CH, Mediterraneum Meeting, Rome 2012
- Special prize of TXM Oil- and Natural-gas Researching Ltd. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on data series of Hídvégi Pond (W Hungary). Meeting of Young Geoscientists (ISZA), Mátrafüred 2010.
- 1st prize of the applied category and the special prize of the Hungarian Geological Society’s Geomathematical Section. Többváltozós és idősoros módszerek alkalmazása a Kis-Balaton Vízvédelmi Rendszer Adatsoraira. Meeting of Young Geoscientists (ISZA), Keszthely 2009
- Special compliment of the jury. A Kis-Balaton Vízvédelmi Rendszer hosszútávú adatsorainak elemzése; Conference of the National Scientific Student Council (OTDK), Hydrogeology-Hydrology section, Szombathely 2009.
- 2021- Geostatistical analysis in environmental science for Ph.D. Earth- and environmental science students
- 2017-2021 Data analysis in environmental sciences for Ph.D. Earth- and environmental science students
- 2015- Advanced environmental calculations for M.Sc. and environmental science students
- 2015- Geomathematics for M.Sc. Earth- and environmental science students
- 2015- From monitoring to data analysis for M.Sc. Environmental sciences students
- 2013- Environmental calculation for B.Sc. Environmental sciences students
- 2011-2016 Introduction to database handling for B.Sc. Earth sciences students
- Témavezetői, konzulensi tevékenység (pdf)
Selected publications of the last 5 years
- Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Amirnezhad Mozhdehi, S., Deininger, M., Harrison, S. P., Baker, A., Boyd, M., Kaushal, N., Ahmad, S. M., Ait Brahim, Y., Arienzo, M., Bajo, P., Braun, K., Burstyn, Y., Chawchai, S., Duan, W., Hatvani, I. G., Hu, J., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lachniet, M., Lechleitner, F. A., Lorrey, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Pickering, R., Scroxton, N., and SISAL Working Group Members (2018): The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1687–1713.
- Comas-Bru, L., Rehfeld, K., Roesch, C., Amirnezhad-Mozhdehi, S., Harrison, S. P., Atsawawaranunt, K., Ahmad, S. M., Brahim, Y. A., Baker, A., Bosomworth, M., Breitenbach, S. F. M., Burstyn, Y., Columbu, A., Deininger, M., Demény, A., Dixon, B., Fohlmeister, J., Hatvani, I. G., Hu, J., Kaushal, N., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lechleitner, F. A., Lorrey, A., Martrat, B., Novello, V. F., Oster, J., Pérez-Mejías, C., Scholz, D., Scroxton, N., Sinha, N., Ward, B. M., Warken, S., Zhang, H., and SISAL Working Group members (2020): SISALv2: a comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age–depth models, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2579-2606,
- Hatvani, I. G., de Barros, V. D., Tanos, P., Kovács, J., Kovács, I. S., & Clement, A. (2020). Spatiotemporal changes and drivers of trophic status over three decades in the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, Lake Balaton. Ecological Engineering, 151, 105861.
- Hatvani IG, Erdélyi D, Vreča P, Kern Z. (2020) Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Precipitation across the Iberian Peninsula. Water, 12(2):481.
- Kern, Zoltán; Erdélyi, Dániel; Vreča, Polona; Krajcar Bronić, Ines; Fórizs, István; Kanduč, Tjaša; Štrok, Marko; Palcsu, László; Süveges, Miklós; Czuppon, György; (2020), Isoscape of amount-weighted annual mean precipitation tritium (3 H) activity from 1976 to 2017 for the Adriatic–Pannonian region–AP 3 H_v1 database,Earth System Science Data,12(3), 2061-2073
- Hatvani, István Gábor; Szatmári, Gábor; Kern, Zoltán; Erdélyi, Dániel; Vreča, Polona; Kanduč, Tjaša; Czuppon, György; Lojen, Sonja; Kohán, Balázs (2021), Geostatistical evaluation of the design of the precipitation stable isotope monitoring network for Slovenia and Hungary, Environment International, vol. 146, paper 106263
- Hatvani, István Gábor; Tanos, Péter; Mudelsee, Manfred; Kern, Zoltán; (2022), Robust periodic signals in proxy records with chronological uncertainty and variable temporal resolution, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 276, paper 107294
- Hatvani, István Gábor; Dokulil, Martin T; Clement, Adrienne; (2022), The role of wetlands in mitigating impacts from diffuse agricultural loads, in Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Second Edition) (Eds.: Thomas Mehner and Klement Tockner), pp. 285-299 Elsevier BV
- Hatvani, István Gábor; Smati, Alaa Eddine; Erdélyi, Dániel; Szatmári, Gábor; Vreča, Polona; Kern, Zoltán (2023), Modeling the spatial distribution of the meteoric water line of modern precipitation across the broader Mediterranean region, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 617, paper 128925
- Erdélyi, Dániel; Hatvani, István Gábor; Jeon, Hyeongseon; Jones, Matthew; Tyler, Jonathan; Kern, Zoltán (2023), Predicting spatial distribution of stable isotopes in precipitation by classical geostatistical-and machine learning methods, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 617 paper 129129
Last update 17.11.2023