István Bondár
scientific advisor
- bondar.istvan at
- 2016 DSc Geophysics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- 1991 PhD Geophysics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- 1982 MSc Geophysics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- Senior Scientist, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Budapest, Hungary, 2021-
- Senior Scientist, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory, Budapest, Hungary, 2014-2021
- Senior Seismologist, International Seismological Centre, Thatcham, UK, 2008-2014
- Senior Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, VA, USA, 2000-2008
- Seismic-Acoustic Officer, Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna, Austria, 1998-2000
- Visiting Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, Center for Monitoring Research, Arlington, VA, USA, 1996-1998
- Visiting Scientist, International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1993-1996
- Senior Seismologist, Seismological Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 1992-2000 (sabbatical 1996-2000)
- Research Scientist, Department of Geophysics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 1987-1992
- Research Scientist, Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 1985-1987
- Geophysicist, Geodetic and Geotechnical Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 1982-1985
Language knowledge
- English, fluent
- German, intermediate
Main fields of research
- Earthquake location
- nuclear explosion monitoring research
- Earth inner structure
- inversion methods
Research projects
- Seismic Location Calibration in the Mediterranean, North Africa, Middle East, and Western Eurasia, participant, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DTRA01-00-C-0013, 2001-2003.
- Global Ground Truth Data Set with Waveform and Improved Arrival Data, PI, Air Force Research Laboratory, FA8718-04-C-0020, 2004-2007.
- Improved Event Location Uncertainty Estimates, PI, Air Force Research Laboratory, FA8718-05-C-0018, 2005-2008.
- ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalog (1900-2009), participant, GEM Foundation, 2010-2012.
- Infrahang állomás létrehozása a piszkéstetői obszervatóriumban, PI, MTA, 2017-2018.
- ARISE - Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe, participant, Horizon 2020, 2018-2020.
- Structure and geodynamics of the Eastern Alps - Pannonian Basin transition using AlpArray Seismic network data, participant, NKFIH, K124241, 2017-2021.
- Discrimination of natural and anthropogenic events by the joint analysis of seismic and infrasound data, PI, NKFIH, K128152, 2018-2023.
- Infrasound studies in Central Europe, PI, MTA, NKM2018-10, 2019-2022.
Outstanding results
- Established ground truth (GT) classification and developed selection criteria for identifying GT5 candidate events. Created the IASPEI Reference Event List.
- Developed a single-event location algorithm that accounts for correlated travel time prediction errors. This algorithm is used at the International Seismological Centre to produce the ISC Bulletin, the definitive account of the Earth’s seismicity.
- The further developed location algorithm, iLoc is used at the European_Mediterranean Seismological Centre, and it is incorporated in SeisComp, a popular seismological processing software used worldwide.
- Developed the crowd-source location algorithm for use at the European_Mediterranean Seismological Centre.
- Established the Hungarian Infrasound Network, and initiated the Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network, a scientific collaboration between Austria, Czechia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine.
Membership of scientific and professional organizations
- International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) Executive Committee, 2016-2023
- FDSN Working Group IV, CTBTO Relations, Chair, 2016-2023-
- IASPEI Working Group on Reference Events, 1999-2007
- IASPEI Working Group on Reference Events for Improved Locations, 2007-
- IASPEI Working Group on Definition of Authoritative Locations, 2009-2015
- IASPEI Working Group on Global 3D models for Seismic Observatory Applications, 2013-
- CTBTO Working Group B, Waveform Expert Group, 2015-2023
- National Institute of Research-Development for Earth Physics, Bucharest, Advisory Board, 2021-
- IUGG Hungarian National Committee, IASPEI representative, 2016-2022
- European Seismological Commission, titular member, 2015-2022
- International Seismological Centre Governing Council, Hungarian representative, 2015-2021
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre Governing Council, Hungarian representative, 2015-2021
- ORFEUS, Hungarian representative, 2015-2021
- AlpArray Scientific Board, 2016-2021
- AdriaArray Preparatory Commission, 2020-2021
- AdriaArray, Seismicity Working Group 2020-
- Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN), Hungarian representative, 2015-2021
- Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network (CEEIN), Hungarian representative, 2018-
- Seismological Society of America, 2001-
- European Geophysical Union, 2015-
- Hungarian Academy of Science, Geophysical Science Committee, chair, 2017-2021
- Hungarian Academy of Science, representative, 2018-2021
- NKFIH GEOINT1 zsűri, 2019-2021
- NKFIH GEOINT1 zsűri, elnök, 2021-
- Bolyai Kuratórium földtudományi kollégium, 2019-
- Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete, 2016-
- Egyed László emlékérem, Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete, 2022.
- Trends in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, 6 credits, Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School
- Seismology, Eötvös Loránd University, MSc course
Selected publications in the last 5 years
- Bondár, I., T. Godoladze, E. Cowgill, G. Yetirmishli, S.C. Myers, I. Gunia, A. Buzaladze, B. Czecze, T. Onur, R. Gök, A. Chiang, Relocation of the Seismicity of the Caucasus Region, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.,, 2023.
- Pásztor, M., C. Czanik, I. Bondár, A Single Array Approach for Infrasound Signal Discrimination from Quarry Blasts via Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, 15, 1657,, 2023.
- Bondár I., T. Šindelářová, D. Ghica, U. Mitterbauer, A. Liashchuk, J. Baše, J. Chum, C. Czanik, C. Ionescu, C. Neagoe, M. Pásztor, A. Le Pichon, Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network: Contribution to Infrasound Monitoring, Geophys. J. Int., 230, 565-579,, 2022.
- Bossu R., F. Finazzi, R. Steed, L. Fallou, I. Bondár, “Shaking in 5 Seconds!”—Performance and User Appreciation Assessment of the Earthquake Network Smartphone-Based Public Earthquake Early Warning System, Seismol. Res. Lett., 93, 137–148,, 2022.
- Finazzi, F., I. Bondár, R. Bossu, R. Steed, Probabilistic Framework for Modeling the Detection Capability of Smartphone Networks in Earthquake Early Warning, Seismol. Res. Lett., 93, 3291–3307,, 2022.
- Kereszturi A., V. Barta., I. Bondár, C. Czanik, A. Igaz, P. Mónus, D. Rezes, L. Szabados, B.D. Pál, Review of synergic meteor observations: linking the results from cameras, ionosondes, infrasound and seismic detectors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, 3629-3640,, 2021.
- Le Bras R., N. Arora, N. Kushida, P. Mialle, I. Bondár, E. Tomuta, F.K. Alamneh, P. Feitio, M. Villarroel, B. Vera, A. Sudakov, S. Laban, S. Nippress, D. Bowers, S. Russell and T. Taylor, NET-VISA from Cradle to Adulthood. A Machine-Learning Tool for Seismo-Acoustic Automatic Association, Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 2437-2458,, 2021.
- Onur, T., R. Gök, T. Godoladze, I. Gunia, G. Boichenko, A. Buzaladze, N. Tumanova, M. Dzmanashvili, L. Sukhishvili, Z. Javakishvili, E. Cowgill, I. Bondár and G. Yetirmishli, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using Legacy Data in Georgia, Seismol. Res. Lett., 91, 1500–1517,, 2021.
- Kalmár, D., G. Hetényi, A. Balázs, I. Bondár, AlpArray Working Group, Crustal thinning from orogen to back-arc basin: the structure of the Pannonian Basin region revealed by P-to-S converted seismic waves, JGR Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021309,, 2021.
- Czanik, C., M. Kiszely, P. Mónus, B. Süle, and I. Bondár, Identification of Quarry Blasts Aided by Infrasound Data, Pure appl. Geophys., 178, 2287-2300,, 2021.
- Lenhardt, W.A., D. Pesaresi, M. Živčić, G. Costa, T. Fiket, I. Bondár, L. Duni, P. Spacek, L. Dimitrova, C. Neagoe, D. Malytskyy, K. Csicsay, L. Tóth, L. Fojtikova, Improving Cross‐Border Seismic Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN), Seismol. Res. Lett., 92, 1522–1530,, 2021.
- Bondár I., R. Steed, J. Roch, R. Bossu, A. Heinloo, J. Saul and A. Strollo, Accurate locations of felt earthquakes using crowdsource detections, Front. Earth Sci., 8, 272,, 2020.
- Koch, K., Pilger, C., Czanik, C., and Bondár, I., The 12 December 2017 Baumgarten Gas Hub Explosion: A Case Study on Understanding the Occurrence of a Large Infrasound Azimuth Residual and a Lack of Seismic Observations, Pure Appl. Geophys., 177, 4957–4970,, 2020.
- Bondár I., E.R. Engdahl, Seismological networks, in H.K. Gupta (ed.), Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series,, Springer Cham,, 2020.
- Steed, R.J., A. Fuenzalida, R. Bossu, I. Bondár, A. Heinloo, A. Dupont, J. Saul and A. Strollo, Crowdsourcing triggers rapid, reliable earthquake locations, Science Advances, 5, eaau9824,, 2019.
- Kalmár, D., G. Hetényi, I. Bondár, Moho depth analysis of the eastern Pannonian Basin and the Southern Carpathians from receiver functions, J. Seismol., 23, 967-982,, 2019.
- Czecze, B., I. Bondár, Hierarchical cluster analysis and multiple event relocation of seismic event clusters in Hungary between 2000 and 2016, J. Seismol., 23, 1313-1326,, 2019.
- Bondár, I. P. Mónus, Cs. Czanik, M. Kiszely, Z. Gráczer, Z. Wéber, and the AlpArrayWorking Group, Relocation of Seismicity in the Pannonian Basin Using a Global 3D Velocity Model, Seismol. Res. Lett., 89, 2284-2293,, 2018.
- Hetényi, Gy., I. Molinari, J. Clinton, G. Bokelmann, I. Bondár, W.C. Crawford, J-X. Dessa, C. Doubre, W. Friederich, F. Fuchs, D. Giardini, Z. Gráczer, M.R. Handy, M. Herak, Y. Jia, E. Kissling, H. Kopp, M. Korn, L. Margheriti, T. Meier, M. Mucciarelli, A. Paul, D. Pesaresi, C. Piromallo, T. Plenefisch, J. Plomerová, J. Ritter, G. Rümpker, V. Sipka, D. Spallarossa, C. Thomas, F. Tilmann, J Wassermann, M. Weber, Z. Wéber, V. Wesztergom, M. Zivcic, AlpArray Seismic Network Team, AlpArray OBS Cruise Crew, AlpArray Working Group, The AlpArray Seismic Network: A Large-Scale European Experiment to Image the Alpine Orogen, Surv. Geophys., 39, 1009-1033,, 2018.
Last update 28.11.2023.