Rigaku DMax RapidII X-Ray diffractometer
Rigaku Miniflex 600 X-Ray diffractometer
Spectro XSort Combi handheld X-Ray fluorescent spectrometer
Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 300 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
DKK TOA AUT701 automatic tirtrator
- Sipos Péter (PhD head)
- Karlik Máté (PhD)
- Kovács Ivett (PhD)
- Szabó Máté
- Tóth Mária
About us
The laboratory consists of two parts: an X-Ray analytical and an inorganic chemical unit. The available analytical facilities enable us to analyse the phase and chemical composition of solid materials both at the macroscopic and microscopic scale. The major profile of the laboratory is the analysis of geological materials; however, significant experiences are possessed on the analysis of (industrial) ceramics, metals, glasses, and materials of the cultural heritage. Basic and special sample preparation fecilities are also available there.
Special areas of the analyses are as follows:
- clay mineral identification and mineral structure analysis primarily related to the study of physicochemical and sorption properties of clay minerals,
- integrated archeometric analysis related to research on archeology, history of art, restauration, and protection of monuments,
- integrated phase and chemical micro-analyses down to the several tens of micrometer scale,
- planning and performing sorption experiments, quantifying the sorption capcity of soils, sediments and rocks
Rigaku DMax RapidII X-Ray diffractometer
The instrument is equipped with a Cu anode micro-focus tube and 2D image plate detector system. Collimators between 20 and 800 micrometers enable us to carry out point phase analysis on prepared solid surfaces.
Rigaku Miniflex 600 X-Ray diffractometer
This benchtop instrument is equipped with a 600 W Cu anode tube and a graphite monochromator and used for routine phase composition analysis of powder samples.
Spectro XSort Combi handheld X-Ray fluorescent spectrometer
This energy dispersive instrument is equipped with a 250 W Rh anode tube to detect and quantify elements between Mg and U in two calibration methods (environment and alloys) in solid samples without any special sample preparation out of the laboratory.
Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 300 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
The instrument can be equipped with a graphite furnace and used for high precision trace element analysis from solution (Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, Ba, Pb).
DKK TOA AUT701 automatic tirtrator
Parallel automatic titrator to study the point of zero charge and acid/base buffering capacity of soils and sediments, as well as to carry out pH-stat experiments.