Péter Németh
senior research fellow

- +36 1 309 2600 / 1108
- +36 1 319 3137
- nemeth.peter at csfk.hun-ren.hu
- 310. szoba
Place and date of birth
- Pápa, 19.01.1978
- 2005 PhD (Earth Science) University of Torino, (year of naturalization: 2008, institute of naturalization: Eötvös Loránd University). Title of the dissertation: Characterization of new mineral phases belonging to the heterophyllosilicate series
- 2001 Geologist ELTE TTK 2001. Title of the dissertation: "Mineralogical investigation of the Polgárdi scarn"
- 2001-2004 PhD student, University of Torino, Olaszország
- 2005-2006 postdoc Arizona State University, USA
- 20007-2012 Research fellow, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Chemical Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2012-2014 postdoc Arizona State University, USA
- 2014-2021 Senior research fellow, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2021- Senior research fellow, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, ELKH Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- 2023- Senior research fellow, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Language knowledge
- English Intermediate Level Write and read (C)
- Italian Intermediate Level Write and read (C)
Main fields of research
- Structures and properties of diamond nanocrystals; study of next-generation diamonds.
- Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of carbonate polymorphic formation processes, study of precursor calcium carbonates.
- Role of atomic resolution electron microscopy for understanding the structures and properties of minerals and synthetic materials.
- Study of defects (dislocations, stacking faults, twins) and phase transitions.
Research projects
- as project leader:
- OTKA-NKTH, HUMAN MB08A, 2012-2014 (30 months), Place of implementation: ASU, Tempe (USA) Project title: Structures and properties of synthetic and natural nanodiamonds.
- OTKA-NKTH FK123871 2017-2022 (48+12 months). Project title: Structure of cave carbonates - Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of carbonate polymorph formation processes in speleothems
- OTKA-NKTH KH126501 2019-2021 (24+12 months). Project title: Tracing peculiar diamond nanostructures
- 2019-2.1.11-TÉT-2019-00016 2020-2022 (24+12 months). Project title: Cryogenic Cave Carbonates, a key archive of permafrost thawing events
- OTKA-NKTH-FWF ANN20 134433 2020-2024 (48 months). Project title: Cryogenic Cave Carbonates
Outstanding results
- Interpretation of the structure of impact diamonds via state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy, identification of subnanometer-size defects and recognition of new types of material properties.
- Identification and interpretation of graphite-diamond transformation at the atomic level
- Identification of next generation diamond-related materials and recognition of the technical possibilities inherent in the material family – diamond coatings with exceptionally hardness as well as increased toughness and ductility, diamonds with tunable electrical, optical and thermoelectric properties.
- Identification of a new nanocrystalline calcium carbonate modification (monoclinic aragonite) and its complex structural characterization via state-of-the-art 3D electron diffraction tomography
- Recognition of the amorphous calcium carbonate-secreting ability of bacterial strains in the Baradla Cave and multispectral study of the amorphous material.
Study trips
- 2005-2006 Arizona State University, Tempe (USA)
- 2011 Ehime University, Matsuyama (Japán)
- 2012-2014 Arizona State University, Tempe (USA)
Membership of scientific and professional organizations
- 1998- member of the Hungarian Geological Society
- 2008- member of the Hungarian Society for Microscopy
- 2008- member of the Hungarian Workgroup of Nanominerals
- 2021- member of the Committee of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Conference organization
- 21/08/2010 – 27/08/2010 International Mineralogical Association meeting, section “Recent progress in the occurrences, structures, and uses of terrestrial and extraterrestrial nanodiamonds" session organizer (Budapest)
- 04/07/2022 – 05/07/2022 „Geochemistry and mineralogy of calcium carbonate polymorphs” Main organizer of the international workshop (Veszprém)
- 24/04/2023 – 05/07/2023 Az EGU 2023 „Carbonates - archives of time, space and change” session organizer (Vienna)
Research grants, scholarships
- MTA-JSPS short term mobility (3 weeks), 2011; Place of implementation: Ehime University, Matsuyama (Japan); Project title: Nanodiamond synthesis with special attention to lonsdaleite
- Bolyai János Research Fellowship (36 months), 2014-2017,Project title: Structures of diamond nanocrystals (classification of the final report: excellent)
- Bolyai János Research Fellowship (36 months), 2018-2021, Project title: Carbonate polymorph formation processes in cave sediments and synthetic samples.
- ITM ÚNKP-19-4 (10 months) Bolyai+ Higher Education Young Teacher, Research Fellowship Application, 2019-2020, Project title: Carbonate polymorph formation processes in cave sediments and synthetic samples.
- ITM ÚNKP-20-5-PE-7 (12 months) Bolyai+ Higher Education Young Teacher, Research Fellowship Application, 2020-2021, Project title: Carbonate polymorph formation processes in cave sediments and synthetic samples.
- 2001 Excellent Student of Eötvös Loránd University, founder: Eötvös Loránd University. Recognition: Outstanding study work and scientific activity
- 2015 Vendl Mária Award, founder: Hungarian Geological Society. Recognition: Achievements in the study of carbon allotropes and their transformation
- 2018 Bolyai Memorial Plate, founder: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Recognition: Outstanding reports about the research in the framework of the scholarship
- 2020 VEAB Researcher of the Year, founder: Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Recognition: Outstanding scientific work in the last 10 years
- 2022 Bolyai Plaquette, founder: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Recognition: Outstanding scientific achievement during the Bolyai scholarship
- 2023 Academic Award, founder: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Recognition: Recognition of outstanding scientific work in the past 5 years
Prizes won at scientific competitions
- 1999 Special award at the Young Scientist Conference, founder: Geological Institute of Hungary, recognition: Dissertation
- 2001 Special award at the XXV National Student Conference, founder: National Scientific Student Conference, recognition: Dissertation
- 2009- „Theory and practice of electron microscopy” laboratory course for students of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Óbuda University.
- 2019- „Theory and practice of transmission electron microscopy” laboratory course for students of University of Pannonia.
- 2021/2022 2nd semester „Mineralogy I (practice)” BsC course for students of Eötvös Loránd University.
- 2021/2022 2nd semester „Mineralogy III” MsC course for students of Eötvös Loránd University.
International connections
- Laurence A.J. Garvie, Peter R. Buseck (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA)
- Paul F. McMillan, Kit McColl, Christoph G. Salzmann (University of College London, London, UK)
- Christoph Spötl, Yuri Dublyansky (University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Ausztria)
- Enrico Mugnaioli, Mauro Gemmi (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pisa, IT)
Selected publications of the last 5 years
Németh, P., Lancaster, HJ., Salzmann, CG., McColl, K., Fogarassy, Zs., Garvie, LAJ., Illés, L., Pécz, B., Murri, M., Corà, F., Smith RL., Mezouar M., Howard C.A., Paul F. McMillan Shock-formed carbon materials with intergrown sp3- and sp2-bonded nanostructured units, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2022
Multidisciplinary: D1 IF: 11.1
Independent citations: 9
Popular science news -
Garvie, LAJ.; Németh, P.; Trif, L An exceptionally stable and widespread hydrated amorphous calcium carbonate precipitated by the dog vomit slime mold Fuligo septica (Myxogastria), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2022
Multidisciplinary: D1 IF: 4.6
Independent citations: 3 -
Németh, P; Töchterle, P ; Dublyansky, Y ; Stalder, R ; Molnár, Zs ; Klébert, Sz ; Spötl, C. Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 2022
Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 IF: 3.066
Independent citations: 2 -
Németh, P.; McColl, K.; Garvie, LAJ.; Salzmann, CG.; Pickard, CJ.; Corà, F; Smith, RL.; Mezouar, M.; Howard, CA.; McMillan, PF. Diaphite-structured nanodiamonds with six- and twelve-fold symmetries, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 2021
Materials Chemistry: Q1 IF: 3.806
Independent citations: 9
Popular science news -
Németh P., McColl K., Garvie L.A.J., Salzmann C.G., Murri M., McMillan P.F.: Complex nanostructures in diamond, NATURE MATERIALS, 2020
Chemistry (miscellaneous) 3/435 (D1) IF: 43.841
Independent citations: 45
Popular science news -
Németh P., McColl Kit, Smith Rachael L., Murri Mara, Garvie Laurence A. J., Alvaro Matteo, Pécz Béla, Jones Adrian P., Corà Furio, Salzmann Christoph G., McMillan Paul F.: Diamond-Graphene Composite Nanostructures, NANO LETTERS 20: (5) pp. 3611-3619., 2020
Bioengineering 8/153 (D1) IF: 11.894
Independent citations: 41
Popular science news -
Enyedi NT, Makk J, Kótai L, Berényi B, Klébert Sz, Sebestyén Z, Molnár Zs, Borsodi AK., Leél-Őssy Sz, Demény A, Németh P: Cave bacteria-induced amorphous calcium carbonate formation, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: (1) 8696, 2020
Multidisciplinary 9/138 (D1) IF: 4.379
Independent citations: 44
Popular science news -
Németh P., Garvie Laurence A.J.: Extraterrestrial, shock-formed, cage-like nanostructured carbonaceous materials, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 105: (2) pp. 276-281., 2020.
Geochemistry and Petrology 18/127 (Q1) IF: 3.003
Independent citations: 5 -
Murri M., Smith R. L., McColl K., Hart M., Alvaro M., Jones A.P., Németh P., Salzmann C. G., Cora F., Domeneghetti M. C., Nestola F., Sobolevv N., Vishnevsky S. A., Logyinova A. M., McMillan P. F.: Quantifying hexagonal stacking in diamond, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9: 10334, 2019
Multidisciplinary 9/138 (D1) IF: 3.998
Independent citations: 16 -
Németh P, Mugnaioli E, Gemmi M, Czuppon G, Demény A, Spötl C: A nanocrystalline monoclinic CaCO3 precursor of metastable aragonite, SCIENCE ADVANCES 4: (12) eaau6178, 2018
Multidisciplinary 3/117 (D1) IF: 12.804
Independent citations: 14
Popular science news
Last update 28.11.2023